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In This issue...

Mandatory Meeting

News in and Around the Club


New Member

5F for Sale

Spring Fun Rain Day

Meet the Member

We've Run Out!

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April, 1996

Mandatory Meeting

27 April 1996 New Market Airport, 9:30 AM

There is a mandatory meeting of all club members on 27 April, 1996 at New Market Airport. We need your input and attendance! All members not showing up to this meeting will be subject to a required viewing of the official SSC Safety video. The official SSC video, produced from video footage of this month's safety meeting, will be available to all members for future reference. The club needs input from all members regarding our most important focus: the focus on safety! If you cannot attend the event, please contact the Vice President, Operations - Safety, Kevin Fleet. We are looking forward to your ideas and presence! (A snack/continental breakfast/plate of bagels will be provided by Joe Parrish, and will be available for meeting attendees) Please stick this notice on your refrigerator.

News in and around the Club

Maintenance: The sheltering of the 2-33.

Shane Neitzy has taken the initiative to design and build a dolly and approach for the new home of our club SGS 2-33A (In the hangar behind the ASK-21). Of course, the undertaking will require some help in the procurement of the materials, the assembly of the dolly, and the design/implementation of the dolly/approach into the hangar. Volunteers should step forward with any available help. Contact Shane if you are one of those volunteers.

New Member

Jim Garrison was unanimously voted in as a probationary member to the Skyline Soaring Club! For those of you who do not know Jim from the old days at the Warrenton Soaring Center, Jim is a glider pilot with a commercial rating. He was a regular pilot in the ol' days at Warrenton (an old student of Jim Kellett!), and was an active member of the soaring club "down the valley" in Waynesboro. He owns his own private aircraft, and will be sure to enjoy the wonderful lift, wave and thermals along the local ridge in his ASW-19.

Fred Daams' Five-Fox

For Sale

One of our newer members, Fred Daams, has his beautiful Pegase, "5 Fox" up for sale. The ship is water ballast capable and will get a good 40:1 glide ratio. Any interested parties should contact Fred for further details. Be advised the I am looking for a partner should any parties be interested.

New Market Spring Fun

Rain Day Rescheduled!

The New Market Spring Fun Day is still scheduled for 11 May 1996. If it should be a rainy day (as it always is on our fun days) the rain date will be the following Sunday, the 19th of May. Our rescheduling of the rain date has been caused by the local EAA chapter fly-in/meeting on the 18th. The EAA chapter will be participating in something called the "Young Eagles program" at their fly-in. This program is aimed at the youth of the community to get kids in the air at an early age. The teenagers and children get into the air by means of generous contributions of regular pilots, willing to share the joys of flying. Members who like to carry "live baggage" in the front seat are welcome to come out on the 18th of May to share the joys of soaring with the youth of our community.

Meet the Member

Bill Westerman

I grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and, of course, was always interested in airplanes, cars, and boats. I received a B.S. degree in Physics from Principia College in 1974, and worked in microprocessor applications for several years in Tulsa. I went to law school at the University of Tulsa, and took my first legal job at a patent law firm in Knasas City, Missouri.

I moved to Washington in 1981 and eventually to the firm that I'm now with in DC (Armstrong). I practice patent law, mainly with electrical and mechanical inventions. I live in the district with my wife Ann (we were just married last July). She's flown with me several times, and likes it. I haven't flown quite as much as I like recently due to my other avocation. I race my Mazda Rx-7 in SCCA regional races.

I've been flying for almost 9 years now. I started at Warrenton Soaring Center. I have a private ticket. The most scenic spot where I've been soaring is at Dillingham Field on the north shore of Oahu.

We've Run Out!

Well, we may not have run out of Meet the Members, but when Jim left for a few months, he didn't leave any behind for me to use. If you have a desire to tell the rest of the club about yourself within the next month, please write an autobiography and send it to me, Piet Barber, 43192 Moshupe Way, South Riding, VA 22021. Better yet, if you could email me your "Meet the Member" that would be even better. My Email address is pietb@nic.ddn.mil.

Skyline Soaring Club,
c/o Piet & Stacy Barber
43192 Moshupe Way 
South Riding, VA, 22021