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Duty Roster Notes

Party Time

16th Richard C. duPont Regatta


Meet the Member


Pegasus Ponders

Silver Hill Open House

Ground School

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October, 1996

Duty Roster Notes

There have been many changes in the Duty Roster and there are still several significant holes! Please check the attached roster and call Jim Kellett at jkellett@skylinesoaring.org to fill some of the blanks.

The "Skyline Machine" is back online!

Now that Joe Parrish's move to his new house is complete, the SkyLine answering machine is back on line. Club members can access a recorded message on conditions at the field, availability of club equipment and instructors, etc. As Phil Jordan noted in his article in the latest newsletter, it sure beats a wasted trip out to the field. The number is (703) 834-9064 [same as before].

REMINDER to Duty Officers: You are responsible for updating the SkyLine as part of your pre-flight operations. Please do so as soon as you arrive at the field and determine availability of equipment, etc. Detailed instructions for remote operation of the answering machine are contained in the Duty Officer Instructions & Checklist document.

Party Time!

The Club's Christmas Party is scheduled for Saturday, December 14, 1996 at Piet and Stacy Barber's residence in western Fairfax County. As customary, this will be a "potluck" party, so plan to bring food, drink, good cheer, and lots of soaring stories. There will be a few amazing videos - not exactly your typical "safety meeting" video - to titillate you! Mark your calendars now!

Sixteenth Richard C. du Pont Memorial Sailplane Regatta

Fran's floods couldn't dampen the spirit of the 36 pilots from 4 clubs who flew 19 gliders for over 86 hours and 300 miles over the three days of this year's DuPont Regatta. This year's regatta was hosted by the Skyline Soaring Club and the FBO at the New Market Airport, in New Market, Virginia. Although the airport was VERY wet from the torrential rains and flooding, the weather broke on the 13th and provided great soaring for the three day weekend. It rained again on the evening of the 15th! Consistent with the traditions of the DuPont Regatta, all the participants pitched in to deal with the tough logistics imposed by the wet runways; all the planned procedures were scrapped and an ad hoc set created which worked perfectly!

Len Dolhert, flying his DG-200, won the annual "Flight to Frederick" trophy, generously provided by the Mid-Atlantic Soaring Association. Al Melendy, flying a Libelle, was a close competitor, landing out near Charlestown, WV. (The "Flight to Frederick" roughly duplicates the 1933 record flight made by Richard C. DuPont in an Albatross from the Blue Ridge just south of New Market to Frederick, MD, setting a new record for the time.) Jim Garrison, flying an ASW-19, won the most duration points, in addition to flying a 200 mile POST of his own design on Saturday. Several pilots reached altitudes of over 11,000 feet in wave on Saturday, including Bruce Barrett who managed it from a "save" of only 1500 AGL in his K6CR, and Shane Neitzey who reached 12,500 in his LAK-12!

Another "first" for the DuPont meets was Bill Cloughley, who, under the tutelage of Tim Sobol of the Tidewater Soaring Club, made his first glider solo flight during the Regatta in is recently acquired K-4 (affectionately labeled the "Rhine-stone" by Bob Gaines)!

VSA President Bob Gaines attended part of the Regatta, and had a chance to meet and talk with the participants, many of whom are already VSA members. VSA Past Presidents Linn Buell and Jan Scott were also there, flying their LS-4 and Slingsby T-31 respectively.

In addition to the great flying, the group enjoyed a barbecue dinner at the field on Saturday (provided by the Pig Pen Restaurant in Timberville), followed by some fabulous videos provided by Jan Scott. We're grateful to Terry Adair, a New Market pilot, who suggested and arranged for the catering to be done!

Although it's characteristic of these Regattas that the participants "make it happen" through their own hard work, very special thanks are due to several pilots who made extraordinary contributions to the success of the weekend. They include (from Skyline Soaring) Fred Winter, Lisa Sergent, Tim James, Ralph Popp, Ralph Vawter, Robin Mockenhaupt, Spencer Annear, Jonathan Kans, Shane Neitzey, Piet Barber; and (from M-ASA) Gene Wilburn and Scott Petrasek who provided and flew the M-ASA towplane. M-ASA also provided the lovely trophy to the "Flight to Frederick" winner (as well as the winning pilot!).

You're Invited to the Oktoberfest!

The Mid-Atlantic Soaring Association (M-ASA) has invited Skyline members to participate in their annual Oktoberfest, scheduled for October 12-14, 1996 at their Fairfield gliderport. This is a traditional event for M-ASA, and is a low-key, fun-oriented long weekend of flying (including a cookout on one evening), and is an excellent opportunity for aspiring contest pilots (and aspiring badge-getters) to meet and get to know a group whose members are enthusiastic and accomplished in these areas. For more information, get in touch with Tom Judkins, (301) 977-6067 or judkins@access.digex.net

Meet the Member

Tony Bigbee abigbee@ids2.idsonline.com

So what do you want to know? Surely you don't care where I went to high school, what my 2nd favorite band is, why I am a club member?

I'm using the first person in this diatribe - I mean biography - because I am the one writing it. Yes, this is a jab at all the other biographies that use third person pronouns. Being the son of a Navy doctor, born the son of an Army Helicopter pilot, and having grandfathers that were B-52 and WWII fighter pilots, I have a decent appreciation for the military way of life. OK, this is a half-truth. I am a 1989 graduate of the United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD and am still a Navy officer. I spend my days fooling my superiors and my subordinates into thinking that I'm a unique multipurpose weapon to be used against the forces of evil.

Not enough sarcasm for you? Please direct all complaints to your nearest club officer.

And now, the requisite "aircraft I have flown." I have about 350 hours in C-152, C-172, T-34C, T-2C, TA-4J. I think I carrier qualified in two trainer jets (you know, landing on one of those floating runways that Presidents like to send around the world), but it could have been my imagination. I have barely 20 hours in gliders, and even less time in hang gliders. I'm really looking forward to learning the challenges of cross country flying.

Let's take a break from all this seriousness.

"The girl who can't dance says the band can't play." - Yiddish saying

Although my B.S. is in Computer Science, I'm currently pursuing a self-designed master's in interdisciplinary studies. The focus of my wacko degree program is the study of cultural dynamics from an evolutionary perspective. For your convenience and safety, please note that evolutionary does *not* mean "for the better." It just means adapting the theoretical framework of biological evolution to things sociological and cultural. I'd have to say that my favorite class so far has been Modern Sociological Theory. George Mason University reluctantly admits that I take classes at night there.

When I'm not daydreaming, I manage to do things that are like daydreaming: reading science fiction and writing biographies for flying clubs. My favorite authors are Zelazny, Asimov, Silverberg, Banks, Simmons. I enjoy psychological and sociological science fiction (surprise, surprise) as opposed to meaningless technobabble. My musical tastes run the gamut (except country). I really like dark surreal music, such as that produced by Pink Floyd, Ozric Tentacles, Yes, and Rush. I vacillate between running and lifting because I enjoy both so much.

I'm looking forward to gleaning knowledge and insight from the seasoned pilots in this club. If you read the other biographies, there are pilots with amazing and vast amounts of experiences. I learn something new every time I go out to New Market. That's what life should be about: learning new things every day. Don't you think?


…to Tim James and Lisa Sergent for the really neat Weber grill, now ensconced in the Club's hangar! Let's burn some meat after hours!!

Pegasus Ponders

(It's hard to be nostalgic when you can't remember what happened!)

Ten Years Ago (SOARING Magazine, October, 1986): "One special award from the [1986 1-26 Nationals] committee went to the unnamed 182 tow pilot who had the yoke come off in his hands while on final one day. About three tows later there was enough of a lull for him to pull aside and ask Norma if she could scare up a screwdriver or a bolt, as flying from the left while using the right yoke was "a bitch"."

Twenty Years Ago (SOARING Magazine, October, 1976): "But as long as I can fly, I'll still soar down the Allegheny Expressway because it is beautiful. And exciting. And scary. And sensational. And if the eagles do it, it's got to be right". [Karl Striedieck, in "One Grand Flight: The Story of History's First over-1000 mile Soaring Flight"]

Thirty Years Ago (SOARING Magazine, October,1966): "On August 26th [1966] Paul [Kolstad] was flying at an altitude of about 300 feet in the vicinity of the Black Forest Gliderport when his K-8 stalled and spun into the ground. Paul was only 15 years old at the time of his death, but quite experienced for his age. He held a Gold badge and two Diamonds." [This is the young man that inspired his family to establish the Kolstad Memorial scholarships.]

Silver Hill Open House

The Garber Facility will have its first open house in 2-1/2 years on Saturday and Sunday, 26-27 October 1996, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM both days. Admission is free.

The open house differs from the daily guided tours of the facility; visitors can walk at their own pace among the buildings that are open. Some storage buildings which are not open for the daily tours will be open, or at least have their hanger doors open for a view inside. Garber facility docents (who normally conduct the tours) will be stationed in the display areas to answer questions or discuss the artifacts. Food (hot dogs, etc.) will be available, and a few other activities are planned.

Located in Suitland, Maryland, USA, (just south of Washington DC), the Paul E. Garber Preservation, Restoration and Storage Facility is often known by its older name of "Silver Hill." There are more aircraft on display at the Garber Facility than in the National Air & Space Museum (NASM) downtown. Military, civilian, and experimental types can be seen, ranging from the pre-WWI period to the 1970s.

Call the Air & Space Museum at (202) 357-1400 to get driving directions . You can check out the official Garber homepage at:


Some of the sailplanes at the facility include the Bowlus-DuPont Falcon, Bowlus Baby Albatross, Franklin PS-2, "Texaco Eaglet", Kellett XO-60, Schweitzer 2-22 EK, Arlington Sisu 1A, and Applebay Zuni II

Ground School

AV-ED Flight School, Inc. is offering a glider ground school on Monday and Thursday evenings, beginning on September 30 and ending on October 24, 1996. The course is oriented toward preparing the student pilot for the FAA Knowledge Test, but will also address topics that will improve flight proficiency and safety for all glider pilots.

Location: Falls Church, VATime: 7:00-10:00 PM. Tuition: $185 + approx. $70 for booksContact: AV-ED Flight School, Inc. (703) 777-9252

Skyline instructor Joe Parrish will be teaching the course, with Spencer Annear filling in on at least one night.