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President's Prerogative Painting the 2-33 Get me from the Church on time... To all of you at Skyline Soaring Club: Skyline Soaring Club Anniversary It CAN happen! Future Astronaut Goes Solo PeeWee's Big Adventure... Lessons from a Novice's landout Let's be very careful out there You won't want to miss the latest "Battery News" Once more, with feeling Log this... Back Issues: |
November, 1998 President's Prerogative While Front Royal might not be the perfect site (if there is such a place) it is going to be a friendly field-they actively solicited our relocation-with ample hanger space and some pretty good soaring conditions. This will be familiar ground for many members as the club operated there during its transition from Warrenton to New Market. For new members, now a majority, it is going to be an opportunity to broaden your experience with a different field and different conditions. And for everyone, it will mean learning new traffic patterns and changes in our current operating procedures. I believe we have talked to all of the glider owners and know what their desires are in terms of storage. Hanger space is about two-and-a-half times as expensive as New Market; but, they have concrete floors and electric bi-fold doors and they are entered off a paved taxiway. The down side is they are "T" hangers that will require us to remove
some walls and support straps in order to fit everything in. We also have
a long list of issues to work through with the FBO-everything from runway
use to having a carbohydrate reload (that's a beer for you non-runners) in
the hanger after ops. Look at your calendars from mid November to mid
December and plan on spending some time in either preparing Front Royal,
moving some equipment or both. It will take the efforts of everyone in
the club to make this a successful transition. If you have any questions,
suggestions, or a just-can't-live-without-at-the-new-field request, I hope
you will call or e-mail me. I will be e-mailing regular reports on the
progress of our negotiations and move. Let me know if you do not have
e-mail and I will be sure to keep you up to date by snail mail or
telephone. Painting the 2-33 So here is the drill. On the first weekend in December, following the end of the season, I would like to see a major work group at the field to accomplish several tasks. First we will disassemble the ship, removing the wings, the elevator and rudder. We will mount the wings on saw horses in the hangar and part of the work group will polish the wing surfaces. I hope we can find two or three power buffers among out members to tackle this task. The wings do not need painting except for the trim on the tips. Part of the group will strip the fuselage of old paint. At the end of the day, I would hope to have the wings ready to paint trim and the fuselage ready for priming. I will take the fuselage home to prime and hopefully take it to Shane's the following weekend. At that point, I will need four or five volunteers to handle the fuselage and wings in Shane's shop. Painting in Shane's shop may take two or three days in order to complete the base coat of white and three trim colors. However, we will have to remove it at the end of each day sothat it won't interfere with Shane's operation. The preparation work, masking and clean up will require a large team, so be prepared to come out and lend a hand. Because we will not be flying at that point I hope to see lots of
volunteers to help out. This is a great opportunity for new members to get
involved in a fun project. In mid November, I will put out a call for
volunteers and hope to see most of you out there at least one of the three
or four days that will be required to finish the job. Get me from the Church on time... Next time, try a glider. That's what Skyline member Tom Brice did. On Sept. 12, Tom and new bride Linda made a grand entrance to their reception at the Sky Bryce airport. After aerotowing from 8W2 in the club's ASK-21, Tom released, made several orbits around a hot air balloon floating above the airport, then executed a beautiful pattern and landing on Runway 05, rolling right up to the reception tent and applause of the wedding party and guests. Quite a bit of planning and practice went into making this operation a success. Tom first approached me with this idea in April. After long discussions with the Board of Directors, it was decided that Tom would need to execute a dry run into Sky Bryce with an instructor. Guess who was elected to be the Guy-in-Back? Well, campers, let me tell you about Sky Bryce. It's a paved runway, about the same length and width as the runway at 8W2. The elevation and runway direction are fairly similar, too. And that's where the similarities end. Sky Bryce is actually set in a narrow valley, and the approach/departure from either end is not straight. Short trees and a large resort home are located directly off the departure end of Runway 05. At the departure end of Runway 23 is a golf course with a curving fairway to accommodate the profile of the ridgeline. Landing on 05 is straightforward. The strongly preferred direction for takeoff is 23, with a need for some low altitude maneuvering to follow the curve of the valley. That's somewhat more challenging than 8W2, but I figured that Tom's experience at the field, along with a bit of coaching from me on the characteristics of the ASK-21, would prevail. (BTW, Tom is a corporate pilot flying business jets out of Washington National; he keeps a beautiful Luscombe taildragger at Sky Bryce and often uses it to commute between home and work. How many Luscombe's do you think are flown into DCA these days?) After two practice patterns in and out of Sky Bryce behind Paul Dawson in the Pawnee, I was convinced that the operation could be done safely. On the wedding day, Tom and Linda high-tailed it from the church to Tom's waiting Luscombe and flew over to 8W2. The only part of the operation that we didn't practice beforehand was putting Linda and her wedding dress into the back of the ASK. Tony Bigbee reported that it was a tight fit. Given that Linda is only 5'0" and 100 lbs, that wasn't the cause of the problem. Anyway, Tom and Linda (and her dress) were launched behind Shane Neitzey in the Pawnee. Shane had already delivered me to Sky Bryce in a Cessna 172 in which he was giving instruction, so I was ready to assist when Tom landed. After rolling to a stop exactly on the mark, the bride and groom emerged to applause and photographs. Shane landed in the Pawnee, and Don Thompson, Pete Brice (father of the groom), and Tom's friend Lee helped me push the ASK back for takeoff. I respectfully declined Pete's offer to fly in the back so as to pick up Tom's plane at 8W2; Tom told me afterwards that Mrs. Brice would have lynched Pete for leaving the scene of the reception. The launch and aerotow back from Sky Brice were uneventful, and I had a rare opportunity to make a solo pattern and landing. I forgot that there was no student in the plane, but still kept up the running criticism ofthe pilot-too fast, watch that yaw string, check your descent rate, etc., etc. I can see how I could get on a student's nerves. Tony Bigbee and Mike Cordova stayed late to help put everything away. We beat sunset by 20 minutes. Congratulations to Tom and Linda, and I really enjoyed the challenge
of doing something different. Who's next? To all of you at Skyline Soaring Club: Skyline Soaring Club Anniversary One of the first questions SSC had was what equipment to acquire and how to do that. The Pawnee was purchased from WSC in late November and the 2-33 in late December. With much arm twisting from Shane and others these purchases were financed by interest free loans from the charter members, $1,000 each from most and more from some. About $20,000 of those loans remain to be paid, even though a repayment plan was adopted several years ago. Another question was the organizational structure. We have a Board of Directors who are elected by the membership at the annual meeting in late January. The Board makes policy decisions for the club in response to the needs of the membership. A suggested club calendar for the coming year is usually set up by the Board in January before the annual meeting. This has recently been in response to an early January planning meeting. A proposed budget has also been set up, some years, at this time. The Board's policy decisions often have to do with making the calendar and budget work, as well as fire fighting. Now that SSC is entering its adolescence and has grown considerably in size a renewed planning effort should be made to assure well reasoned decisions that will not adversely impact the survival of SSC through its next 7 years. Here's to a well planned next 7 years. -Spencer Annear I think we all owe an incredible debt to those charter members who established and guided the club through the first few years, and set a high standard for safety, fiscal responsibility, and commitment to serving the diverse needs of the membership. Success does not occur by accident. In the meantime, we have graduated many students, made many long and high flights, issued lots of badges, slogged through mud to retrieve our friends in outlandings, and shared many stories and laughs around the field and at local eateries. It's ironic that much of the flying aspect of the sport is solitary; perhaps we make up for that with the team effort that is required for almost everything else associated with it. Again, congratulations-and thanks. It CAN happen! Future Astronaut Goes Solo Erin's introduction to soaring took place in New Market sometime in June of this year. The introductory flight was given by Shane Neitzey. This flight reinforced her wish to become an astronaut. During her training, Erin mastered many subjects including flight theory, federal regulations, airmanship, weather and safety considerations. She learned to safely operate a sailplane under a variety of conditions and make sound decisions. On several occasions she flew unaided to more than a mile above ground and over Lake Tahoe. Now that she has earned solo status her next flying goal is to earn a private glider license when she becomes eligible at the age of sixteen. One more step on the way to becoming an astronaut. The "Gogos Scholarships" was established by Bela Gogos who is a retired Colonel of the Hungarian Air Force who immigrated to the U.S. in 1956 during the Hungarian Revolution. Bela wants to share the benefits of his success in this country. "We should pass on something to the next generation...." Because of his glider training as a youth and continued enjoyment of this magnificent sport today, he knows the challenges and rewards of youth involvement in flight training. He also knows the difficulty of obtaining flight training when resources are limited. The Gogos Scholarship program is administered by the Collegiate Soaring Association (CSA) and covers all on-site cost including flight training/instruction charges, training books and room and board. Several categories of training such as solo, license, advanced training are available. People between the ages of 14 trough 25 are encouraged to contact CSA. Details and application forms are available on the internet: (http://www.win.net/~greely/coll/gogos.htm.) or from Bela Gogos at (703) 754-2610. PeeWee's Big Adventure... We received a lot of help from Richard Freytag, Bill Vickland, Bob
Collier, Linn Buell and Tom Bird. Because we know there are others who
will go down this road in the near future we offer the following
information from several club members that were very helpful to us in
making the decision and managing the process. First, Richard Freytag wrote a long and thorough review of the process of selecting a glider and setting up a legal format to manage the acquisition. Richard was a great help to us and his review of the process he and Fred Mueller went through in the purchase of their LS3 will be of great interest and a goodexample of just how to handle the chain of decisions necessary to insure a wise decision. Richard's outline is too long to include in the newsletter and too valuable to excerpt. You can find his most informative piece in its entirety on the Skyline web site. If you're in the market-or soon will be-this is a must read. A note from Fred Mueller-I don't believe the club has a policy, per se, to grow the fleet as membership grows. This is handled on an ad hoc basis. Excepting the 2-33, the flying you do in club ships is a genuine gift from just three of our club members. My personal opinion is that partnerships and syndicates are the way to go. They are generally inexpensive, provide greater access to an airplane, and truly foster the growth of the sport. My ideal club would have a lot of syndicates with a regular turnover of shares. I would never minimize the financial demands that our lives place on us, but for most of us, owning a share in a sailplane might mean not buying quite such a fancy car or holding on to the old one for a couple more years, or in the case of Bird's 1-26, its the difference between riding to the airport on cloth seats instead of leather seats. Go ahead and rationalize, you won't regret it. From Lisa Sergent and Tim James-Hi everyone-Tim and I have been reading the e-mail regarding Tom Bird's 1-26 with interest. As some of you know, Tim and I bought a 1-26 last summer just after we both got our glider ratings. At first, we were absolutely not interested in a 1-26. But, after lots of long talks with Bill Vickland and other folks, we came to realize that a 1-26 was the way to go. Bill has already provided the arguments so I won't repeat them. Just to give our 2 cents worth, we both LOVE our 1-26. Its so much fun to fly, and you can land it just about anywhere. In addition to our 1-26, the Memphis Soaring Society has a club 1-26 that a couple of the members use for some awesome aerobatics shows. Its also a particular thrill when you can out thermal a glass ship-#580 left an LS4 in the dust earlier this summer and the LS4 had a much more experienced pilot than me on board. Tim and I just bought an L33 Solo (and we kept the 1-26). The L33 is a great ship with much higher performance. But do we fight over flying it? Nope, we fight over flying the 1-26. We're very happy that we listened to Bill about the advantages of the 1-26
(thanks Bill) and we both heartily concur with him. Buy it!! Best regards, we miss
you guys!! P.S. who's going to the SSA convention this year? We'll be there. Lessons from a Novice's landout The flight went like this. Seeing clouds billowing up along the ridge, I asked for and got a good tow to the ridge. Getting off tow just below the notch, I turned south in search of the lift that was producing the clouds. Surprise! The clouds were coming off well to the east. I did hit a spot or two of lift, so I continued heading south, secure in the knowledge that if I left the ridge above the trees, I could get back home... probably. Did I mention that the wind, though very slight, was out of the South East? Do you recall what happens when you fly on the downwind side of ridge?
As the dust cleared, I uttered an expletive and popped the canopy.
Alive and in an intact airplane, (though later inspection revealed that I
bent the tail wheel bracket, from the ground loop). Five lessons at least.
I hope to not make these again anytime soon. To the other novice pilots,
hope you can avoid them too. John Lewis will appreciate this: "Experience is what you get only
seconds after you need it." Let's be very careful out there Oran Nicks was a great 1-26 enthusiast and participant in many of the 1-26 Championship contests. The following was received from the 1-26 web. Oran was towed out from Coulter Field in Bryan, TX. Oran was apparently trying to go from Coulter to the big glider field in Hempstead. A ground observer where Oran was attempting to land in Grimes County (Navasota), said that Oran was nearly down when one tip rose sharply and the other caught the ground, causing the plane to cart-wheel, and resulting in a broken neck for Oran. Perhaps he suffered some medical emergency that made him decide to land. The plane is not suspected in the problems. Oran spent plenty of time at the A&M wind tunnel. He was an extremely well known aerodynamicist and soaring persona.-Jim Kellett & Bill Vickland There was also a fatal sailplane accident in Sugarbush on October 5,
1998. The preliminary NTSB report is on the net at
You won't want to miss the latest
"Battery News" To charge: (Battery needs to be charged on Saturday after flying only) * Open access panel, and unplug the black DIN plug that connects the avionics to the battery * Unwind the flying lead from the hooks on the wall and plug into the now vacant connector on the battery. * Plug the charger into the wall socket and check the lights on the charger indicate a charge. To reconnect, remove charging cable from 1-36 and wind cable round the hooks. Insert Avionics plug back into the battery and secure the panel. (This step ensures that there is no possibility of damaging avionics during re-charge as they are physically disconnected from the battery-thanks Bob Michael for the advice and assistance) To help with the process, I made a freehand sketch that Tony Bigbee (many thanks Tony) has scanned and put up on the web: Its not a great drawing but should help until people get familiar with the system. No more lost nuts in the Sprite! Once more, with feeling From an altitude of 3000 ft I had the most exciting 19 minutes I can remember (don't tell my wife I said that)! Since joining the club on August 6th, I've seen a tremendous amount of hard work, camaraderie, and genuine interest that enables all members to experience what they have in common-the thrill of flying. I want to thank instructors Spencer Annear, Jim Kellett, Bob Michael, Joe
Parrish, and the tow pilots, and ground crew/SSC members for the
outstanding instruction and encouragement which led me to this huge
milestone. Looking forward to thousands of hours of soaring
adventure! Log this...