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Annual Membership Meeting: President's Annual Report Membership Report Duty Officer Changes Chief Weenies New Board Member Terms and Elections Charter Member Payback Cross Country Training Maintenance Field Checkouts Wave Camp Excerpts from the Board Meeting A Mother's View Excerpts from December Board Meeting Flight and Ground Handling Procedures Sailplane Alteration Device Maintenance Report Continued Soaring Over the Auld Sod Log This... Back Issues: |
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February, 1999 1999 Annual Meeting President's Annual Report The financial situation was such that the Board recently approved the purchase and installation of a Tost tow rope reel, which will produce a major improvement in the safety of our operations, and, we hope, in our turn around time. The Board also approved the payback of Charter loans for four members who have left the Club (Paul Dawson, Rob Leyendecker, Charles Ray, and Rich Matsko) plus an additional amount to be distributed among other Charter members with outstanding loans to the Club. The big news in 1998 was, of course, the Club's move from 8W2 to FRR in December. The Board has been extremely busy in recent months negotiating hangar leases, discussing operational needs, and overseeing major maintenance issues. The move has been a complete success, due in no small part to the generous contributions of effort and leadership on the part of many Club members. President Rees stressed the need for caution and heightened safety awareness at our new field. With increased power traffic and new take off and landing patterns, all pilots will need to be particularly careful until we get several flights in our log books. President Rees singled out for recognition several Club members who have served the Club in 1998 in particularly commendable ways: Dave Brunner, who, in addition to making many improvements in the Club's electrical equipment, coordinated and managed the actual move of equipment to FRR; Serge Kohudic, who performed a highly professional job of revising the electrical wiring of the hangars to accommodate the remodeling which permits our ships to fit into them; Kevin Fleet, who oversaw and worked diligently to make the hangar modifications; Piet Barber and Richard Freytag who continued to not only maintain but to make significant improvements in the Club's website (which, in turn, continues to be the primary new member source for the Club); Bill Vickland for his outstanding and tireless efforts in maintaining and improving the overall quality of the Club's aircraft; Joe Parrish for his continued outstanding efforts in new member recruitment; Phil Jordan, for his professional management of the Club's monthly newsletter, "Skylines". The Club also gave a standing ovation to member Bela Gogos, who in 1998 established, and endowed with $50,000, a Scholarship Program for young people. Bela reported on the success of the first several recipients of the Gogos Scholarships, and expressed his strong interest that some Virginia applicants compete for these coveted awards. (See article that follows.) Membership ReportJoe Parrish reported that the Club's active membership at the end of 1998 stood at 57, up 7 (14%) for the year. The Club's membership continues to grow quite well, having increased in four out of the last five years, and now stands at an all time high. Without doubt, the Club's internet website continues to be "the" primary initial contact for new members, although the follow through provided by all members after the initial contact is believed to be the "clincher" that turns so many first contacts into enthusiastic new members. The importance of every member continuing to recognize his/her importance in representing the Club to any and all guests, visitors, and potential new members was very strongly stressed. Joe also expressed his interest in passing the mantle of "New Member Weenie" on to another if there were members interesting in picking up where Joe has led us so far and taking us into the future. Duty Officer Changes In 1999, the Board has determined to raise the standard a bit for Duty Officers, given our concern for the sharply increased responsibilities that DOs will have for our hangars (more complex operation and security; increased risk of hangar rash) and operations (higher traffic airport, new staging procedures, need for strengthened financial accountability). Therefore, in 1999, Duty Officers should: (1) CALL the Club's treasurer, Stacy Barber, at the end of each operational day and identify that day as one we flew and the identity of the Duty Officer (2) Complete the logsheet completely, clearly, and correctly. It's suggested that the Duty Officer transcribe the data onto a clean sheet, and keep the original as a confirmation copy. (3) Cash is discouraged as a medium for all members. If it is necessary to incur a cash transaction, it will be the responsibility of the Duty Officer to convert the cash to check of postal order promptly. (4) The completed packet must be postmarked no more than three business days after the day of operation. The current cadre of 12 Duty Officers should consult with the Chief Duty Officer (Vawter) to provide further analysis and suggestions as to how to continue improvement in our activities. Chief Weenies New Board Member Terms and Elections Hearing no objection, President Rees led a discussion to identify candidates for the various terms for 1999 and to provide an opportunity for those who might be considering Board membership to express their interest; Rees observed that he had discussed Linn Buel's interest with her, and John Ayers' desire to not serve another term. After an understandably cavalier discussion, the following Board members were elected bythe full membership:
Terms expiring in January, 2000: Joe Rees, Jim Kellett Terms expiring in January, 2001: Kevin Fleet, Ralph Vawter Terms expiring in January, 2002: Joe Parrish, Linn Buell Charter Member Payback It was the consensus of the membership to accept this proposal. Cross Country Training Maintenance Bill also reported on the 2-33's recover status, pointing out that it was possible that it could be returned to service as early as February 15, provided some assistance is possible on some critical areas. Bob Collier, for example, is working on refurbishing the plastic cockpit liners. Bill will post more specific requirements via e-mail shortly.
Field Checkouts All members were urged to attend the spring safety meeting (date and time to be announced shortly) and to bear with the instructors and towpilots for the first few months of operations as the Club works to assure that the procedures are both safe and effective. Finally, all members were reminded to be particularly sensitive to our "new" neighbors, the other pilots in the FRR aviation community. Wave Camp Respectfully Submitted,-J. C. Kellett, Secretary Excerpts from the Board Meeting, January 30 The following officers of the Club were elected: President, Joe Rees Treasurer, Stacy Barber Secretary, Jim Kellett Linn Buell suggested that the Board consider establishing an Audit Committee as standard business practice to review the Club's finances. The Board took the suggestion into consideration for action at a later meeting. Ralph Vawter led a brief discussion about the new Duty Officer changes. The Board accepted the proposal from member Norm Crump to return one-half of his initiation fee, corrected for any account balance he might have accrued in 1998, and his resignation. The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for 10:00 AM on Saturday, March 20, 1999. A Mother's View by Linda
Hiller We do so much to protect our babies from danger, to pad their world and keep them from harm, and then one day they want to do something adventurous. Like fly a glider. What's a parent to do? As a child, our son Blake always loved airplanes. He wasn't obsessed because he had so many interests, but flying, airplanes, birds-anything that could go "up there" was definitely an attraction for him. He constantly flew toy airplanes around the house while making that funny motor noise all boys can make (it's something on the Y chromosome). He loved to make paper airplanes for all the kids in the neighborhood who inevitably wound up at our house to play (none of the kids could make aerodynamic planes like he did). His paper airplanes constantly evolved and improved every time he learned a new morsel of aeronautics. Even at 17, he still gets ideas for a design and will fashion it into paper, adding a paperclip or one of his sister's bobby pins for balance. He often launches one of these "experimental aircraft" off the roof of our two-story house, which is located at 5,000 feet above sea level in the shadow of the picturesque Sierra Nevada. It is because of this location that Blake had the good fortune to experience the joy of flying a glider during Christmas vacation, as the recipient of a Bela Gogos scholarship. This program is inspired and funded by Bela Gogos, a Hungarian immigrant, now an American citizen, who wanted to help young Americans discover what flying a glider can mean in their lives. Young people from all over the United States are eligible to be Gogos Scholars-the first one came from Virginia-but scholarship winners will come to our Carson Valley in Northern Nevada for the instruction. This is because the location is widely accepted as one of the top glider flying locations in the world due to a unique geography and climate. Gogos scholars receive their instruction through SOAR Minden, a local glider business based at the Minden-Tahoe Airport. Though we have been known to have very harsh winters, last month the weather cooperated with Blake's dream to fly, and he soloed in 24 flights. On one of his solo flights, Blake flew over our Jacks Valley home and circled our house. There was my boy, a member of the Douglas High School Class of 2000, in control of a motorless aircraft which is dependent on the kindness of wind currents. We wondered if he will be dropping his dirty laundry this way when he's in college-it's possible to glide great distances, you know! For all the times we'd wondered if we should let our precious son learn to fly, for every doubt we had about encouraging an activity that put him in a vulnerable situation (it was bad enough when he got his driver's license!), we have seen the payoff in becoming a pilot in his increased confidence and maturity. Blake's primary instructor, Mike Moore of SOAR Minden, said our son "was the most natural pilot" he'd ever seen in all his many years of teaching people tofly. When we heard him say that, we were so proud, and it was at that point that we began to wonder if Blake's flying, receiving the Gogos scholarship, his living in beautiful Carson Valley, was by chance or by design. Every person has special talents, I believe. Some people go through life and never discover those gifts, and for parents it's truly a gift and a dream to see your child find a natural niche and to be recognized by people such as the awesome staff at SOAR Minden-instructor Mike Moore and the other teachers, tow pilot Andrew McFall and everyone involved (passionately!) in flying gliders there. Although it does feel a bit daunting to think that my little Big Wheels driver is man enough to handle the controls of a sailplane, it also feels amazing. My son, the glider pilot. Yes, indeed. In addition to being Blake's mom, Linda Hiller is an award-winning feature writer and reporter for the Record-Courier, which serves Douglas County, Nv. She also writes a weekly wildlife column "View from Jacks Valley," and has reported many times on the fact that glider pilots often look for large soaring birds to see where the thermals are. She plans to be among her son's first passengers and hopes to see an eagle eye to eye "up there." Excerpts from the December Board
Meeting The Board asked that the Chief Towpilot (Annear) and Chief Flight Instructor (Kellett) quickly convene a towpilot/instructor safety/operations meeting for the purpose of actually flying (using the Sprite) the new patterns and experimenting with proposed launch and recovery procedures. The status of the runway light switchbox was also discussed, and George Hodgkiss agreed to ask the contractor who was going to modify the VASI lights next week to examine it and provide an estimate for burying the box. The Airport Commission felt that the "turf art" such as we had developed at 8W2 was not appropriate for a fully public airport. Reggie Cassignol pointed out that there was a telephone outlet on the outside of the FBO building that the previous commercial glider operator had used to plug in a telephone. He also indicated that he was amenable to having an answering machine/telephone inside the building. Sufficient lines are already in place for the Club to purchase a telephone line; however, there are not telephone lines at or near our hangar. There was some discussion of the equipment capabilities that we would need which were not fully resolved. The Board and the FBO and the Commission members discussed at length the appropriate kind of vehicles, and their use, in moving gliders around on the airport. The FBO has an electric golf cart that, with some repair, might be useful to both the Club and the FBO; Dave Brunner agreed to look at it and make an evaluation of the practicality of such repair. In the interim, there was general agreement that the Club could use an auto (such as the Honda Phil Jordan proposed to give the Club) for SOME movement around the airport, with extreme caution being exercised to avoid putting ruts in soft sod areas. A fully acceptable procedure has yet to be developed here, and further work on options is needed. Flight and Ground Handling Procedures The Board and the FBO agreed that the gliders would use right traffic for both runways, and that it would be acceptable for gliders to land midfield on runway 09. The FBO also indicated his preference for the Club's flight ops station (awning) to be located near the Club parking area (near the fuel tank farm) during normal operations on runway 27. The purpose is to avoid people walking across the taxiway where frequently there are several aircraft doing runups. Strategic Planning Committee Sailplane Alteration Device Kevin has been advised that the whole string of lights associated with our transition on and off the runway will be made removable. We will need a work party (or two) to haul dirt for a better transition to the runway. There is about a 3 inch rise to overcome. Kevin will have the details on when and how this will be dealt
with. In the meantime, stay tuned to your e-mail. Maintenance Report Continued
Bob Collier has tackled the problem of fibre glasing the cockpit panels which I will paint when he is done. All of this needs to be done by next Monday so I can paint everything during the following week. I would hope to assemble on the following Friday and have Charlie sign it off on Saturday Feb 12. It is a tight schedule, but it can be done. I could use some general assistance during that week, such as assembling the ship and putting things together. Note on the 2-33 Trim Lever Happy New year to all! Soaring Over The Auld Sod London Gliding club in Dunstable is one of the oldest clubs in the UK and was formed in the 1930s. They have there own airfield with a fleet of 5 K21, 2 K13, 4 K23 (glass single seaters), and a duo discuss. They also have various Cubs and a robin for towing and a six wire winch. However dues are $650 per year and rentals/tows cost in pounds what we pay in dollars (exchange rate $1.60 = 1 pound). Reciprocal members can gain temporary membership for 7 pounds per day and after a check flight fly any of the club equipment you are qualified for. A 400 ft high, west facing ridge runs parallel to the field and on a good day you can cruise up and down at about 800 feet for about a mile. The field is set up for operations on a SW/NE run and E/W. On my ridge flying day we took off on the West run and landed on the South West run by flying out at 90 degrees from the ridge turning around and flying back on what was now the base leg. It felt pretty strange flying the ridge at 800 feet with about 6 other gliders. But it was great fun. My next flight was on a day where we had a 30 knot wind straight down the SW runway. Needless to say this was with an instructor (who commented that my tow was the smoothest he had that day and wasn't sure if it was the superior piloting skills or the conditions had improved. I knew the answer but wasn't going to let on) We were finding ridge lift in unlikely places but unfortunately a lot of sink too so the flight was brief 12 minutes. I joined the down wind leg at about 900 feet, turned on base almost straight afterwards due to the tail wind and turned on final with hardly any height lost. Then with hardly any brake and a 70 knot approach we landed gently in the middle of the field. An excellent learning experience. Talking of learning experiences, I was offered a flight in a Fox two seater aerobatic glider. I had just eaten lunch, so considered declining the offer, but only for about a second. After all when would I get this opportunity again. Apparently these are the aircraft of choice for the worlds best glider aerobatic pilots. I wanted to practice some spin recoveries and asked if we could try this. So we put on the parachutes and I climbed into the front seat. We towed out to 4000 feet with me flying the tow once we were off the ground. The tow was easy with the aircraft very responsive to the control inputs. Once off tow I did some clearing turns and then in a shallow left bank eased back on the stick and applied too much left rudder. At about 45 knots we suddenly found ourselves hurtling to the ground, I immediately recovered from the spin and was surprised at how sudden it had occurred. My instructor said lets try it again but this time let the spin develop. So the same over ruddered slow turn had me heading back to the ground with me itching to recover but the voice in the back saying wait. He wanted to show me the difference between a spin and a spiral dive and pointed out the fact that the speed wasn't dramatically increasing and that it would in a spiral dive. After what seemed like forever I recovered from the spin. It was easy to see why the classic too low, too slow and trying to turn the aircraft with the rudder causes the number of accidents it does. I handed over control to my instructor and he demonstrated a snap role and inverted flight back towards the airfield for an 80 knot approach while I concentrated real hard on not decorating the cockpit with my turkey burger lunch. Everyone at London Gliding club was very welcoming and friendly. If
you are ever in the UK it is well worth a visit. Log this...