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Say Again?
Random excerpts from the last Board Meeting:
Notice to Weekday Warriors
Primary Rule:
Friday Ops
Safety Committee
Small Camera Bumps Big Jet
Silver duration and altitude
The Club expects every member to do their duty
Log This...
Back Issues:
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August, 1999
Say again...
The entire aviation industry lost a true friend, advocate and lover of
things that fly last week. Former FAA Administrator and current director of
the Smithsonian's National Air & Space Museum Donald D. Engen, 75, died
along with his close friend William S. Ivans, 79, when the Nimbus-4DM
motorglider they were flying crashed into the Nevada desert near Minden on
July 13. Although Ivans was a legend himself, especially among soaring
enthusiasts, Engen's loss was an especially strong blow. General Aviation
Manufacturers Association President Ed Bolen said it best: "Over the years
Admiral Engen has made lasting contributions to aviation. He was the
consummate aviator and public servant, having served as a highly decorated
admiral in the Navy, as a member of the National Transportation Safety
Board, as an FAA Administrator and recently as the director of the Air &
Space Museum. Respected among his peers, Admiral Engen was a friend and
supporter of general aviation. He was a gentleman in every sense of the
word and will be missed by the entire aviation community. Every day,
Admiral Engen promoted aviation to thousands. We now mourn the loss of a
true aviation hero." -AVFlash
By now I guess we're all are suffering from "Post Continuous Coverage
Syndrome". It goes without saying that the Kennedy and Bessette families
have suffered an extrodinary tragedy and naturally all our sympathy is with
But the constant exhalations of the TV media talking heads has
filled the public with such as "...our skies are crowded with low-time
private pilots..." etc., as we cringe with the steady stream of
inaccuracies and half-truths. Lost in the frenzy was the story of two
exceptionally gifted pilots who left us doing exactly what they had loved
for many decades-and many more unaswered whys.
My August issue of AOPA Pilot contains an obit of Don Engen that
refers to Bill Ivans as "Bill Evans". It's especially annoying to me that a
pilot far more accomplished than the vast majority of AOPA members can't
even have his name spelled right even though he was a long-time member. (I
guess member Bill Evans is dashing off a letter to the editor right
Perhaps it is good for soaring that the Kennedy tragedy moved the
focus away from our sport.
The risk we run in soaring:
Isn't it better to be a soaring pilot, concerned about the potential
dangers we face, rather than spend the entire weekend watching movies &
sports TV? More fulfilling to be a participant, a player in life "on the
field" than a spectator watching others from "up in the bleachers." Being a
player means running some risks. The reward for running these risks is a
depth and richness of life that lifes "spectators" don't experience. These
"spectators" watch us in action and talk about it to each other, we
"players" experience the fullness, the depth and dimensionality of life's
possibilities. -Greg Ellis
Random excerpts from the last Board
- John Lewis distributed a two part proposal drafted by himself and Piet
Barber to deal with the continuing confusion about accurate member lists
and their timeliness in getting into the hands of the DO and Member
Relations Weenie.
Briefly, the proposal involves
- Printing new "self-duplicating"
membership application forms to be used for ALL members (e.g., temporary
and new probationary) at a one time cost of about $75. One copy would be
transmitted by the DO, with the applicant's check, directly to the Club's
treasurer, and the other would be transmitted by the new member to the
Member Relations Weenie. E-mail coordination between these two key people
and others needing accurate lists (e.g., newlsetter editor, Secretary,
etc.) would follow.
- Creating a new private password-protected page on
the Club's website, available ONLY to members and edited ONLY by the Member
Relations Weenie, Secretary, Treasurer, and/or President. The Club's
website would also be ported to a new server with its own registered domain
name at an estimated cost of $450/year. This page would serve as "the"
central repository for recording member status, and would include badge and
license data, snail mail addresses, phone numbers, and other data deemed
- Serg Kohudic reported on his on-site inspection of the
"Dial-A-Plane" hangar designed and built at the Albuquerque Soaring
Society's site in Moriarity, NM. The unit holds up to 8 sailplanes on a
rotating platform in a building about 85' x 85'; planes can be removed one
at a time without moving any others. Sailplane owners pay about $80/month
at that facility. Costs for plans and photos is $2500; for a kit containing
everything except the 8 channel beams, $7,120; and for an installed unit in
our building, $24,000. Serg provided photos and details of the
- Jim Kellett briefly discussed two other options which required
rectangular buildings with doors on multiple sides (the Dial-A-Plane uses a
square building, with a door on one side).
The Board's consensus was to seek airport authority assistance for
the construction of a hangar large enough to install two carousels. Jim
Kellett agreed to explore funding options with the FBO and the airport
- Chief Towpilot. After much discussion, haranguing, and
pleading, Serg Kohudic agreed to accept the post of Chief Towpilot
- Treasurer. The Board reviewed the current situation which,
briefly, involves the resignation of Stacy Barber, the expression of
willingness of Gary Shepherd to assume the position, and the various
discussions between individual Board members and affected parties.
Gary Shepherd was elected Treasurer of the Club -Duty Officers
should send bills and logsheets to Gary at 4200 Oakley's Ct., Richmond, VA
The Board agreed with Gary's suggestion that we hold an
"extraordinary" Board meeting to allow him to present his initial
observations upon taking over the task. That meeting is set for 7 PM on
Thursday, August 5, 1999.
- Joe Parrish reviewed the complex Maintenance Officer situation,
and noted that he had approached Jim Miles about assuming the role of
Chief Maintenance Weenie, to supervise and coordinate the work of others
(e.g., Jim McCulley for the towplane and Bill Vickland for the gliders).
Failing that, the Board agreed to seek McCulley's acceptance of
responsibility for the Pawnee and Vickland for the gliders. Failing that,
the Board agreed to approach John Muia with a proposal to essentially
"contract out" the aircraft maintance.
- Linn Buell formally resigned as a member of the Board. The
Board will act to name a replacement for her term (which runs through
2001) at the August 5 Board Meeting.
- The Club's phone is installed and operating. It's not clear if the
phone is getting used enough to justify its substantial costs. The Board
was reminded that the installation was a six month experiment, and that by
the end of the summer we should make a decision as to whether or not to
continue it.
- Kevin Fleet reported on several ideas on how to implement some kind
of storage system for Club equipment in the hangar. The Board approved up
to $250 for shelving or other storage devices to be selected and installed
by Bill Malick and/or Dave Brunner.
- There is still a lot of pressure from some members to have a Club
credit card to expedite timely payment for services and materials bought by
the Club. The Board is still reluctant to obtain such credit, but deferred
a final decision until new Treasurer Gary Shepherd can advise the
- Piet Barber has been approached by a member of SVS seeking
substantial assistance from SSC for the conduct of the DuPont Regatta this
fall, to be held at Waynesboro. The Board's consensus is that the Club
should NOT suspend FRR operations (e.g., by sending a towplane or a Club
glider). However, Joe Parrish agreed to poll the members to ascertain who
would be willing, on an individual basis, to help SVS manage this
- John Lewis reported on several initiatives to get publicity for the
Club, particularly timed to take advantage of the August 11 planned release
of the new "Thomas Crown Affair" film. Activities such as display of
gliders in public places, posters in theatres, andnews and/or TV "spots"
were discussed at length. John provided a copy of a recent newspaper story
in the local (Warren County) paper which he'd initiated, and also a copy of
a Women's Soaring Association article in the Richmond Times Dispatch which
is useful as a "model" of a good newspaper story.
Notice to Weekday Warriors
Bill Bentley's generous contribution of time and talent in Jim Kellett's
absence means you should direct any and all questions about scheduling
weekday operations between August 6 and August 30 to him at
-especially you towpilots-let's keep the
operation going!
And to the Thursday students, particularly those who have only
flown with one instructor so far-here is an excellent opportunity to get
some quality time in with another Club instructor! That's a valuable part
of the learning program, so take advantage of this while you can during the
Same general "rules"-first priority on equipment is to pre-solo
students, generally limiting number of students to three max (to make sure
each gets an intensive session). First come, first served-and be prepared
to do anything and everything that needs doing with a minimum of
supervision (keeping the logsheets, running wings, getting things out,
putting things away, etc. etc. etc.) -Jim Kellett
Primary Rule:
Let's talk about "rules" for a moment to put some priority on them, and
help lighten the decision load on people. We have a LOT of days when the
wind varies considerably-it can change rather dramatically in just a few
Primary Rule: The PIC is the ONLY one responsible for conducting
safe flight. Say that again.
Of course, we don't follow that rule to the point of being gratuiously
discourteous or to the point of creating a hazard for other pilots-that's
why we have radios, that's why we have "standard" patterns, etc. etc. For
example, if the winds are light and variable, and "everyone else" is using
a particular runway, it makes sense to safely follow the traffic that is
active so long as that landing can be conducted by the PIC in the equipment
he/she is flying.
But when the winds are CLEARLY favoring a runway that is DIFFERENT
from that being used by other traffic, then the PRIMARY RULE comes into
play- the PIC is the ONLY one responsible for conducting his/her flight
safely. Just because you see someone using a runway that you do not accept
is safe is NOT a good reason to land there! And don't forget that different
machines and different pilots have different thresholds for what they can
do and still be safe-bottom line: YOU must decide what YOU need to do to be
safe, and then execute that maneuver (e.g., landing) without causing hazard
to other people.
Finally, think about situational awareness. Be aware that the wind
is variable. Look at BOTH windsocks. Be aware that there WILL be days when
one can safely land in either direction! Be aware that on some days, the
ONLY safe runway will CHANGE several times in the course of few hours or a
few minutes. Be aware of what other pilots are doing (look! listen!). And
then make the right decision for your plane, your skills, and the
environment. NEVER conduct a landing which is unsafe for you and/or your
equipment just because you see other pilots doing it!
- Jim Kellett, Chief Flight Instructor
Friday Ops
As a reward for a summer of hard work, I plan to offer my project team at
University of Maryland a fun day in the Shenandoah National Park on Friday
August s 20. In addition to a cookout, volleyball, etc., I
have approx. 10 people who have expressed interest in taking a glider
flight. I have lined up a tow pilot (Dick Otis) and a DO (Patric Nolle),
and believe that we can collectively manage a safe and efficient operation.
All of the above has been coordinated with the board of directors.
I have enough riders lined up to keep the ASK-21 busy all day, but
there's no reason why other club member(s) couldn't get a tow in their own
ship or the 1-36 or 2-33. I'd rather not have to deal with walk-ons or
instructional flights, though.
Please let me know if you're planning to come out. -Joe Parrish
Safety Committee
This committee is exploring observations from relevant sources and will
consist of Ralph Vawter (Chief Duty Officer), Jim Kellett (Chief Flight
Instructor), and Sergius Kohudic-newly named Chief Tow Pilot. Joe Reese has
asked me to Chair this committee and present a report as Chief of
It is very important that rumors and speculation NOT be circulated
in public conversation and/or email messages. Relevant information and
observations must be channeled through the members of the Safety
Again, please limit conversations and email to objective
observations by contacting me personally or through one of the Safety
Committee members. We will be presenting a timely and comprehensive
response very soon.-Bob Michael (540) 891-6448
Small Camera Bumps Big Jet
Passengers taking pictures with digital cameras may affect the plane's
performance. That's according to an El-Al captain who says whenever one of
his passengers clicked, his brand-new Boeing 747-400 "bumped."
Captain Eliezer Cohen tells UPI he realized something was wrong
last week when he flew from New York to Tel Aviv with some 500 passengers
on board. He says shortly after he turned on the automatic pilot, he felt a
bump. A check of all systems determined everything was fine...15 minutes
later, another bump.
The pilots summoned the purser to check what was going on in the
passenger compartment. The purser reported people were using lap-top
computers and CD players-devices that are known to interfere with landings
and take-offs but are not supposed to interfere during the horizontal
The purser then reported that every 15 minutes, one passenger was
taking pictures with a digital camera. The pilots asked the passenger to
snap another shot -- and at that moment they sensed a bump.
Cohen says the camera sent a command to its system on the same
channel that relays commands to the automatic pilot. -Richard Otis
Silver duration and altitude
Thanks to encouragement, instruction, and officiation by Bob Michael;
encouragement and assistance by Dave Brunner; a great tow by Serge Kohudic;
a great course by Jim Garrison; instruction over the past year by Joe
Parrish, Bill Bentley, Jim Ayers, Shany Neitzey; a great introduction to
SSC with instruction by Jim Kellett; and the support and friendship of all
the SSC members; I completed silver duration and altitude (assuming the SSA
The flight began at 11:37 AM with Bob's barograph setup, Dave's
wing run and Serge's tow. Dave had a long flight over the ridge the
previous day (7/4) and encouraged me to release there. During the tow we
flew through sink approaching the leeward side of the ridge strong enough
to keep the vario near zero.
The most "exciting" part of this flight was the beginning. I
released over the ridge and found no lift. Turned around and headed toward
the north end of the ridge with the intention of going around it and
heading toward the field while avoiding the sink on the immediate lee side.
About 7 minutes after release I was just about even with the end of the
closer ridge and at 1600' agl. I could see the field about 2.5 to 3 miles
away, but it looked like it might not be reachable in the 1-26. The tension
level rose and and I began scanning for outlanding sites between my
position and the field. (Having never outlanded, the sudden prospect of
needing to do so sent me up to a high tension level.)
At that moment the vario went up, the glider went up, and so did my
spirits. Within a few seconds it became apparent that this would be a low
level save. For the first couple of hours I worked a series of thermals
under eastward moving clouds. As each one drifted over Skyline Drive I
headed upwind to the next cloud & repeated the process. Sort of like a fish
swimming against the current and remaining stationary with respect to the
shore. Every cu seemed to have at least some lift under it, no matter how
ragged it looked. The newer, more sharply defined ones were of course
clearly superior with 300 to 500 fpm lift.
As the day progressed cloud base rose from 5500 to 7000 msl. I
moved a few miles down the valley toward Luray, headed over the ridge, went
across the town & over hiway 66, over Skyline Drive toward the Linden VOR,
played leap frog with Serge in the Sprite, saw the K come up and join me
several times. Early in the afternoon a large "blue hole" devoid of cu
developed over the field, but it turned out that there were thermals here
There were small, strong lift cores under the cu's, but not always
in the same place from cloud to cloud. Some had 2 or 3 cores, others only
one. Some times the strong lift was on the south edge, at other times it
was toward the upwind or down wind edge, or under the center. Flying under
what looked like a barely visible haze attached to a smaller cu seemed to
work. These must have been strongly convective areas approaching dew point
Around 4:45 PM Dave called to say that five hours were up and I had
permission to return & land. One more thermal and a long glide down-with
frequent use of spoilers required to continue the descent against numerous
thermals-put me and 081 on the ground at 5:20 PM.
What an exhilirating day! Can't wait to do it again, and to take
the final step to silver.
Thanks again to all my friends in SSC, without whom this would
never have happend! -Greg Ellis
The Club expects every member to do their duty
When joining the Club, all new members are SUPPOSED to be asked to
contribute a short (500-1000 word) biographical sketch. They get published
in Skylines, and we post it as a link on the Members page of the
Why? Because we come from all over the mid-Atlantic area and have
only three formal "All Hands" meetings a year (the January Annual Meeting,
the December Christmas Party, and the mandatory Spring Safety Meeting) it's
quite possible to never meet some of your colleagues for months (years?).
So it helps a LOT to "get to know" each other through a short
Some people apparently are shy, or lazy, or both about doing this!!
If you're one of these (and you know who you are, don't you?!?), I'll share
the one worthy quote that the ex-Mayor of the District of Columbia (Marion
Barry) ever made: "Get Over It!".
Style, format, content are entirely up to you-be creative! Check
out the several biosketches on the Member page for examples of the variety
of formats used. And WRITE ONE FOR YOURSELF! -Jim Kellett
Log This...
- Joe Parrish is attending Oshkosh with his trusty laptop.
- Thanks to Jan Scott,<Flycow@aol.com>
for pulling our buns out of the fire and flying his towplane for SSC on Sunday, July 25th.
- I know everyone in print HATES to have to print retractions.
BUT, the SSA actually did approve my 5 hour Silver Duration flight. (The
source of the rumor that it was declined: me!) Also, my Silver Altitute
gain hasn't been approved yet, but will be.
-John Lewis
- Congratulation to Bill Malick who flew with Bermuda High while on
vacation in S.C.-and now has his Private Pilot (Glider) Certificate.
- Marty & I want everyone to know that we now live in our own house on Lake
Anna. It's been a long project but worth every bit of the time and sweat
we've put into it. Even have a custom mailbox lettered by Shane replete
with small silhouettes of sailboat and sailplane. E-mail
but address is now [deleted from web page] y'all come hear!
-Marty & Kit Carson
- I wanted to let everyone know that my e-mail address has changed from
This will thankfully be the last email
change ever for me (as long as Yahoo is around at least!).
-Dave Weaver
- Welcome new members: George Jr, George III, and Geoffrey
(member and two family members, in that order) who are new members. They live at:
[ deleted ] e-mail:
- ...and new members Jim & Erich Carter
e-mail: <
jsekcarter@evestamail.com>. Jimmy is
an American Airlines pilot.
- Whole lot of show-casing going on
So far this year the club has been featured in several publicity items.
The Warren County Sentinel featured a piece done at John Lewis' instigation
and a Winchester Star article is featuring the Club and the Thomas Crown
Affair tie-in and a BIG piece on Bela Gogos! (Which if it hasn't run yet is
in the works.)
- By now everyone has seen the Washington Post article in the
Virginia Metro section on 7/21, ostensibly a followup to the Engen/Ivans
deaths. Nice photos and those of our members quoted came off very well. One
could forgive such sentences as "Use the stick between your thighs to
control the dip of the nose". So-that's what it's for!
- And for those members reluctant to attend the "R" rated Thomas Crown
Affair, the second segment of the ten part PBS TV Special Life of Birds
with David Attenborough contains a wonderful 3 minute aerial sequence in a
2-32, demonstrating how birds and humans soar on thermals. (or as the Post
puts it "...find joy in riding the winds".) Some violence-perigines
vaporize small birds in a cloud of feathers, owls munch on small rodents,
ospreys dangle struggling fish-no gratuitous sex tho', only a little
avian-interface, no full frontal. Of course the sailplane IS an old
Schweizer metal job but it does have a rather attractive WOMAN pilot.
- And just when you thought it was safe to tell people you are a
pilot... along comes William Scott who lands his Mooney on the
intersection of Ox Road and Burke Lake Road during rush hour. Hell, it's
worth your life to DRIVE through that intersection during rush hour. Lucky
for him there was a policeman on the scene. Commuters may have lynched him
for holding them up for 12 minutes.
Let's hope this piece of intrepid airmanship doesn't challenge
Brunner to land 081 on White's Ferry!
- In the event someone lands a Mooney in front of you, the
following item, forwarded to us by Bill Bentley, will certainly come in
handy. Personal CPR -Let's say it's 4:17 p.m. and you are driving home,
(alone of course) after an unusually hard day on the job. Not only was the
work load extraordinarily heavy, you also had a disagreement with your
boss, and no matter how hard you tried he just wouldn't see your side of
the situation. You're really upset and the more you think about it the
more up tight you become. All of a sudden you start experiencing severe
pain in your chest that starts to radiate out into your arm and up into
your jaw. You are only about five miles from the hospital nearest your
home, unfortunately you don't know if you'll be able to make it that far.
What can you do? You've been trained in CPR but the guy that taught the
course neglected to tell you how to perform it on yourself.
How to survive a heart attack when alone-(Since many people are
alone when they suffer a heart attack, this article seemed in order.)
Without help-the person whose heart stops beating properly and who begins
to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.
However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very
vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough
must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the
chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds
without let up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating
normally again. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing
movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing
pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way,
heart attack victims can get to a phone and, between breaths, call for
help. Tell as many other people as possible about this, it could save
their lives! -from Health Cares, Rochester General Hospital via Chapter
240's newsletter And the beat goes on -- (reprint from The Mended Hearts,
Inc. publication.)
- The plates below all belong to Skyline members. They come to us
from the camera of Jim Kellett.