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Lesson 1f - Release Mechanisms

Lesson Objective

The instructor will teach the student/candidate the function of the tow release, including the differences in the Schweizer and Tost release mechanisms

Regulatory Requirement


  • Nose hook/CG hook
  • Schweizer release
  • Tost release
  • Back-release function of CG hooks
  • Maximum and Minimum towline strengths
  • Use of weak links (towplane end, glider end)
  • Hazards of hooking Tost rings onto Schweizer hooks
  • POH maximum line strength vs the 200% rule

Completion Standards

The student must be able to: 

  • Calculate the appropriate towline strengths
  • Describe the proper use of weak links
  • Recognize the correct usage of Schweizer or Tost rings for the appropriate aircraft
  • Recognize the correct engagement of the Schweizer tow hook for Schweizer aircraft
Schweizer Tow Hookup

Prerequisite Study


Next Lesson: 1g -- Handling - Hangar to Flightline
Previous Lesson: 1e -- Positive Control Check
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