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Lesson 3b - Before-Landing Checklist

Lesson Objective

Regulatory Requirement


  • The student will learn the necessity and procedure for the memorized checklist executed before entering the pattern.

Completion Standards

The student must be able to perform:

  • The FUSTALL checklist before entering the pattern
  • All items on the checklist with smooth transition between the steps and authority.

The student must be able to explain:

  • The purpose of the FUSTALL checklist
  • The reasons why Flaps and Undercarriage are included, even though the aircraft lacks flaps and a retractable landing gear

Prerequisite Study

    • Flaps -- Set to the landing setting.
    • Undercarriage -- down and locked (down and welded)
    • Speed -- Set to the landing speed.
    • Trim -- Set to maintain the landing speed.
    • Air brakes -- Verify they work before you need them. Open and symmetrical deployment.
    • Lookout -- Look to the traffic pattern to ensure proper separation
    • Landing -- Look to the landing runway to ensure it is clear
    Note that some instructors include an extra "A" for altitude after "Trim".
  • Glider Flying Handbook (2013)Chapter 7, page 7-22


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