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Lesson 4h - Crosswind Landing

Lesson Objective

The student must be able to land with slight to moderate cross-winds.  The pilot must exhibit control to maintain runway centerline on approach, flare, and touchdown.  On landing and roll-out, the candidate must maintain runway centerline, despite the crosswind.  The candidate may use slip or crab to correct for the crosswind component on the approach. 

Regulatory Requirement


  • Side-Slip to correct for crosswind
  • Crab to correct for crosswind

Completion Standards

To determine that the applicant:

  1. Can listen to the AWOS/ASOS winds and determine the approximate crosswind component.
    1. 10 degrees is about one tenth
    2. 20 degrees is about one third
    3. 30 degrees is exactly half
    4. 45 degress is 70%
    5. 60 degrees is 85%
    6. 70-90 degrees, use full speed
  2. Exhibits knowledge of the elements related to normal and crosswind approach and landing procedures.
  3. Adjusts flaps, spoilers, or dive brakes, as appropriate.
  4. Maintains recommended approach airspeed, +10/-5 knots.
  5. Maintains crosswind correction and directional control throughout the approach and landing.
  6. Makes smooth, timely, and positive control application during
  7. the roundout and touchdown.
  8. Touches down smoothly within the designated landing area, with no appreciable drift, and with the longitudinal axis aligned with the desired landing path, stopping short of and within 200 feet (120 meters) of a designated point.
  9. Maintains control during the after-landing roll.
  10. Completes appropriate checklists.

Prerequisite Study

Video Illustration

  • Soaring Safety Foundation "SSF 9 - Crosswind Landing" (YouTube)
    • For discussion with your instructor, see the "Instructor Guide" link under the embedded Video at

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Previous Lesson: 4g -- Crosswind Takeoff
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