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Lesson 7b - Landing Roll-out and Clearing Runway

Lesson Objective

This lesson focuses on the portion of the flight after touching down on the runway. Unlike most glider operations in the US, this club operates mostly on the paved surface, which has the extra hazard of runway lights.  While operating at Front Royal, it is critical to maintain a roll-out along the runway's center-line.  Clearing the runway MUST never be done before the glider has come to a complete stop.  

Regulatory Requirement

  • 14 CFR §91.113  requires that pilots observe right-of-way rules that include timely clearance of an active runway after landing, so as to not interfere with an aircraft trying to land. In a glider, that may not be all that easy, but it does not relieve the pilot in command of making a reasonable attempt to clear the runway, even though he cannot "taxi" in the conventional meaning of the word.
  • Club rules prohibit "taxiing" off the paved runway onto the grass or a paved taxi way (unless there is some serious and immediate safety issue presented which requires such action).
  • Local airport rules require that, when possible, gliders roll out to the mid-field turnoff before clearing the runway.
  • Club pilots are required to be able to perform landings on the grass "emergency area", the first 1700 feet or so to the immediate north of runway 27.  When landing on the grass, DO NOT roll out to the midfield turnoff to avoid blocking other traffic using that turnoff. 

Completion Standards

The student must be able to perform:

  • Taxiing the glider after touch down to the midfield runway, remaining sufficiently close to the centerline as to avoid striking run way lights with the glider
  • Expeditiously clearing the active runway after landing, with or without assistance from a ground crew.
  • Landing on the grass "emergency area"
  • When landing in the grass area, to demonstrate avoidance of obstructions during roll-out and control of the roll-out direction of the glider
  • Proper positioning of the flight controls for crosswind conditions

Next Lesson: 7c -- Assembly
Previous Lesson: 7a -- Downwind Landing
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