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Our Men and Women of Letters

Many Club members have published articles about soaring that are technical, philosophical, pedagogical, historical, or just plain story-telling!

Here are links to some of them that were published in aviation magazines, including SOARING* magazine.  All are in PDF file format.

Author, Article, Issue Citation, Description

Quality (Size)

Bill Bentley, "How to Catch the Tow Plane", SOARING, September, 2000, page 27
     A primer with two "rules" to help master aerotows . . 

267 KB

Dave Brunner, "Transition to Glass", 
SOARING, January, 2000 page 28
     Dave's description of his transition into a high performance sailplane.
783 KB  
Dave Brunner, "Patience Pays Off", 
SOARING, August 1999, page
Linn Buell, "18th International Vintage Glider Rally", 
SOARING, June, 1991
     A report from a rally for old gliders in Belgium
466 KB
Linn Buell, "The Eastern VSA Regatta", 
SOARING, September, 1992
     Vintage and Classic sailplanes meet in Manning, SC
163 KB 
Greg Ellis, "Pilot's Choice", 
SOARING, August, 2000
     Greg's account of his first cross country flight for Silver Badge
717 KB
Bela Gogos, "Youth Lost in Red Hell"
Ivy House Publishing Group, Raleigh, NC, (2003)
ISBN 1-571979-372-9
   The incredible saga of one of Skyline's Founding Members (and only Emeritus Member), a WW II veteran of the Hungarian Air Force, survivor of the USSR's notorious gulags, and soaring philanthropist.
Jim Kellett,"Things to Come", 
SOARING, March, 1990
     The resident curmudgeon's philosophizing about promoting soaring
376 KB 
Jim Kellett, "Let's Take it Nice and Easy", 
SOARING, August, 1997, page 30
     Jim's account of a Diamond goal flight from New Market, VA
515 KB
Jim Kellett, "Cirrus, A Classic Case", 
SOARING, March, 1999 page 34
     Case study of a Classic sailplane, the Shempp-Hirth Cirrus
449 KB
Fred LaSor, "Tapping Into the Energy of Youth with the Civil Air Patrol"
SOARING, November, 2004, page 32
    An account of Skyline instructor/towpilot Fred LaSor's participation in a Civil Air Patrol National Glider Academy
648 KB
Judah Milgram, "Flight Testing at the 1998 Idafleig Meet", 
SOARING, April 1999 , page 34
     Sailplane testing in Germany
708 KB
Joe Parrish, "Rope Breaks: Lessons Learned from the Space Shuttle", 
SOARING, April 1998 page 22
     Excellent instructional article comparing "PT3" training to space shuttle launch procedures
430 KB  
Wallace, Steve "Fathers and Sons and Airplanes",
AOPA Pilot, June, 2003, page 107
     A moving reminiscence of a father's first flight with his son 
767 KB

*Reproduced with permission of the Soaring Society of America who holds the copyright