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Lesson 3d - Minimum Controllable Airspeed

Lesson Objective

The student will learn how to fly the glider on the cusp of a stall -- without allowing the glider to actually stall. If performed correctly, the glider will show many or all of the six signs of a stall. Also, the student will be expected to perform shallow-banked turns while flying in Minimum Controllable Airspeed (MCA).

Regulatory Requirement


  • Performance of the glider at MCA in level flight.
  • Performance of the glider at MCA during turns.
  • Performance of the glider at MCA without causing the aircraft to stall.
  • Performance of the glider at MCA while showing the six signs of a stall (without stalling).

Completion Standards

The student must be able to perform:

  • Appropriate clearing turns before the maneuver
  • MCA in level flight
  • MCA in turns.

Prerequisite Study


Next Lesson: 3e -- Turns to Heading
Previous Lesson: 3c -- Traffic Pattern
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