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Lesson 3e - Turns to a Heading
Lesson Objective
The student will learn the procedures for turning out on a heading. The student will also learn the different types of error with a magnetic compass.
Regulatory Requirement
- The candidate will clear the area before turning.
- The student will be able to turn to any heading described by the instructor, such as 000, 090, 180, 270.
- Magnetic deviation (the compass in the aircraft is deviant)
- Magnetic variation (the variation varies from place to place)
- Compass acceleration error (ANDS)
- Accelerate -> North
- Decelerate -> South
- ...and turning error (UNOS)
- Undershoot for Northerly headings
- Overshoot for Southerly headings.
- relationship of turning error to latitude.
- the use of a compass card
Completion Standards
The student must be able to perform:
- Turns to any desired heading specified by the instructor
The student must be able to:
- explain compass dip error
- explain turning error
- show differences between magnetic deviation and variation
- identify magnetic variation on an aeronautical sectional
- explain when the magnetic compass displays the correct heading
Prerequisite Study
Further Study
Next Lesson: 3f -- Forward Stall, with and without airbrakes
Previous Lesson: 3d -- Minimum Controllable Airspeed
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